Grant Wiedenfeld

Multicultural American Heroes

Reading the Obama-era biopics of Jackie Robinson and Jesse Owens through the lens of American civil religion

... It is no surprise that biopics of Jackie Robinson and Jesse Owens, 42 (2013) and Race (2016), reimagine their conformist mid-century subjects in the mould of Ali – ‘Brash, defiant, pioneering’. But Analysing these biopics through the lens of American civil religion illuminates an unresolved tension that multiculturalism has only heightened: between religious nationalism and radical secularism. The two biopics demonstrate different ways to accommodate these competing currents of American identity in a multicultural age.

Analysing these biopics through the lens of American civil religion illuminates an unresolved tension that multiculturalism has only heightened: between religious nationalism and radical secularism.

Sport, Film and National Culture

Edited by Seán Crosson